[Thuban-list] Python version mismatch in Debian "testing":
Roger André
2006-05-16 01:13:01 UTC
I just tried to apt-get Thuban in Debian and after all the loading was done
and I tried to run it, I got the following error:
The following version errors were detected:
Thuban was compiled with wx 2.4.4 but wxPython is

Has anyone else run into this before? I'm running Knoppix 3.9 in a HD
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Didrik Pinte
2006-05-16 05:50:25 UTC
Post by Roger André
I just tried to apt-get Thuban in Debian and after all the loading was
Thuban was compiled with wx 2.4.4 but wxPython is
Has anyone else run into this before? I'm running Knoppix 3.9 in a HD
Hi Roger,

The message is pretty clear. Some extensions of Thuban are compiled and
thus linked with specific version of external libraries like wxPython.

The solution is to use a source version of thuban and compile it
yourself or use another compiled package but made for your distribution.

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Bernhard Reiter
2006-05-16 08:01:28 UTC
Post by Didrik Pinte
Post by Roger André
I just tried to apt-get Thuban in Debian and after all the loading was done
Which version of thuban did you actually get?
Was it 1.1.0-1 from experimental?
Post by Didrik Pinte
Post by Roger André
Thuban was compiled with wx 2.4.4 but wxPython is
Has anyone else run into this before? I'm running Knoppix 3.9 in a HD
If it was from experimental, this might be a temporary problem.
You should report it though to the Debian Bug-Tracker using "reportbug thuban".
Post by Didrik Pinte
The message is pretty clear. Some extensions of Thuban are compiled and
thus linked with specific version of external libraries like wxPython.
Which would be a bug in the build or dependencies of the Debian package.
Post by Didrik Pinte
The solution is to use a source version of thuban and compile it
yourself or use another compiled package but made for your distribution.
You could try building the source version from Debian
apt-get source thuban
apt-get build-dep thuban
cd thuban-1.1.0
fakeroot debian/rules binary
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